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About Life

“Past Is a Load,
Future Is a Fraud,
Present Is the Lord”

Do you know what do the above lines mean? Simply, it says the value of time in our life. I.e. how we are serious about our present, how deeply we remember our past, how much we think about our future?

Can you describe what life is? Life is just like a drama, which has a start and an end. When we watch a movie in a theater we see the castings. Different movies have different castings. Similarly in this world different people have different stories of their childhoods. Some of them are very enjoyable and some of them are very pathetic. Let’s come to the topic what happens through out movie in a theater? As the story proceeds there happen some miracles, which change the life style of a character. Or there happen some disaster, which destroys the total structure of a family or makes someone a difference beyond humanity.

Similarly when we proceed in our life every moment brings us a new challenge. So, we should remember that tomorrow may bring us a miracle or a disaster, which can change our entire life. So we should know the importance of time, which is most valuable in this world. Lastly, I must say that “Life Is Very Uncertain”.

“ So friends please forget the past because, it’s a load.
Don’t worry about the future because, it’s a fraud.
Concentrate on the present because, it’s the Lord. ”


S.R.Ayyangar said...

There was a very pertinent dialogue in the film 'Anand'-'Jo mit raha hai, wohi jeevan hai". That sums up the life. Incidentally, came across another video post on life by Avalok-

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