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Friend & Friendship

A true friend is:
A push when you are stopped,
A guide when you are searching,
A song when you are glad,
A word when you are lonely,
A smile when you are sad.

The word “friend” can not be exactly defined. For me, the person with whom we share our feelings, problems and happiness is our friend. A friend is such a person whom we can trust and have confidence that he or she will help us when we are in trouble.

Imagine our life without friends. It’s a feeling like we are in the next world, where we can not share anything with the people of this world. So, friends are the most important persons in our life. Life without friends is like a theater without audience, where there is nothing to perform, nothing to be criticized and no ideas for improvement. Then life is as dumb as a statue.

So, as usual we have friends and among them some are our best friends. But, do we know who is a true friend of us? A real friend is one who walks in when others walk out. That’s a friend who is ready to give us everything without thinking of returns.

There is a proverb as “A full purse never lacks friends” and this is very true in this age of time. To whom we have helped will be certainly grateful to us and will keep friendship. They will be our friends until we have the capability to help them. When we face some trouble, they will have some excuse to avoid us. People say that A friend in need is a friend indeed. But, I hope everybody of us have friends, who are friends in their need and are real selfish indeed. So, one must be aware of who is faithful and who is deceitful.

That’s a true friend who helps you in trouble, paves the way to success and of course loves you. The ultimate measure of a friend is not where he stands in moments of your comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. To measure a friend, measure his heart.

What is a friend?
-A single soul dwelling in two bodies.

What is friendship?
-It is a fine thread that binds two hearts that lingers through out our life and which never fizzles out.


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