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Way to Success

“Take up an idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

-Swami Vivekananda

The above few lines of Swami Vivekananda have all the answers that you want. Any career you may choose, you should have a full dedication for that. Make your career or profession your passion, and then sure success is yours. Never be worried if failure comes. Life is a struggle. Every path towards success has hurdles to cross. So, do the best and leave the rest.

Yes, always try to do things at your best and have faith on yourself. Faith is the spark that shines in a dark night. When everyone shuns you it is your faith that helps you. Let have a look at some true stories on miracles of faith.

Swami Vivekananda was starving. He collapsed on the road, he roamed in the countryside with a coin in his pocket and he was friendless. But he had faith. That faith took him across the seas to America where he was applauded as a great spiritual leader.

Jesus had faith and in spite of the accusation from the Romans and the Jews, he refused to compromise. Even when he was nailed on the cross, he did not abandon his faith in FAITH. Millions and millions worship him now.

“Faith moves mountains”

When you fail to achieve something in life you give up hope and faith. But you must know that failure is the indication of better success. As told earlier that every path towards success has hurdles to cross, you should look upon every adversity as an opportunity. This is not a philosophy but a truth.

You will be surprised knowing that Walt Disney had been thrown out of his job in a news paper, because he did not have enough imagination! If he had not been thrown out, there would have no Mickey Mouse, no Donald Duck and no Disneyland.

Alexander Fleming, the scientist who discovered Penicillin, was trained as a surgeon. He took up research in bacteria only because there was no vacancy for the post of a surgeon at St. Mary’s Hospital where he studied. If he had got the job of a surgeon, Penicillin would not have been discovered.

“You have not failed till you quit trying”

Once a person was driving to a near by town. On the way he observed a fly striking his head violently against the inside of the window shield of my car. The fly went on doing like this during the whole thirty miles trip. Throughout the journey all the windows were kept open and the fly could have easily flown out at any time. But he didn’t do that. Instead, he was just banging his head against the glass as though he could go through it!

Had he stopped, looked around, decided the importance of the circumstances, and made a plan; he could have easily come out and become free. But he ended up the thirty miles journey from where he began, aimlessly. Like the fly there are many people who know pretty well what they want. But they never organize themselves, decide the importance of the situation and make a day to day plan! They go on striking their heads like the fly against the small things, blaming their fate. You have to choose the right path by understanding the importance of the situation and a constructive plan to succeed.

“Thinking well is good. Planning well is better. Doing well is best.”

Believe that you are born at a good time. Bright days are ahead of you. Nothing can stop you to be an achiever. You might stumble on something, but that might pave the way for your success.

“Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.”
Courtesy: Inspirational Booklets


Mahesh Kumar said...

Nice post! It Really inspired me......

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